Tech Stock News And Analysis

Tech Stock News and Analysis
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Fairchild Reiterates That Sales Will Be Flat to Lower Compared With First Quarter

SOUTH PORTLAND, Maine -- Fairchild Semiconductor International Inc. on Wednesday reiterated its forecast that second-quarter earnings will stagnate or drop slightly from the first quarter because the current period includes one fewer week.

The semiconductor maker said it expects second-quarter revenue to be flat or down by as much as 3 percent from the first quarter's $409.5 million.

The current period comprises 13 weeks, one fewer than the first quarter, when Fairchild reported a profit $26.6 million, or 21 cents per share.

"Demand has been seasonally normal so far in the second quarter," the company said, adding that it expects gross margins, or earnings as a percentage of sales, to increase by between a half and 1 percentage point.

According to Thomson Financial, analysts surveyed forecast, on average, a per-share profit of 20 cents on revenue of $403.2 million.

Fairchild shares fell 14 cents to $16.84 in recent trading on the New York Stock Exchange.
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