Tech Stock News And Analysis

Tech Stock News and Analysis
Sunday, July 02, 2006
U.S. financial data firm SunGard Data Systems Inc. has registered its interest in taking over British software group Misys Plc which is in management buyout talks, the Sunday Times said in an unsourced report.

SunGard, taken over last year by a group of private equity funds for $11.4 billion, is understood to have contacted JP Morgan Cazenove that is advising Misys's independent directors, the report said.

SunGard has yet to indicate a potential price and any takeover would be likely to value Misys at well above its current market capitalisation, it said.

Misys, which is being reviewed by some members of its senior management team who are interested in buying it, said it would not comment on market speculation. Misys shares closed at 215 pence on Friday, valuing the firm at around 1.2 billion pounds.
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