Tech Stock News And Analysis

Tech Stock News and Analysis
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Information storage company Datalink Corp. on Wednesday said earnings for the third quarter rose from a year ago as the company doubled the number of large businesses it serves.

Net income rose to $1.3 million, or 11 cents per share, from $295,000, or 3 cents per share, a year ago.

Revenue increased to $33.2 million from $31.2 million, with service revenue hitting a quarterly high of just over $11 million.

Datalink said the number of large businesses it counts as customers rose to 15 in the latest quarter from 8 a year ago. Those companies each generated more than $500,000 in revenue, with one accounting for 13 percent of overall revenue in the quarter. The company's customers include food processor Tyson Foods, wireless telecom Cingular and finance company GMAC Residential.

The company said it expects earnings for the fourth quarter to range from 11 cents to 16 cents per share, with revenue coming in between $36 million and $40 million.
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